4 Common Oyster Myths - DEBUNKED!

Did you know that Backwater Jacks is the only waterfront bar at the Lake of the Ozarks that serves raw oysters? Many people know that we offer the best food at the Lake of the Ozarks, but few people know the true facts behind one of our most popular menu items: raw oysters. 

Many myths surround oysters and the appropriate timing/methods for preparing them. Today, Backwater Jacks Bar & Grill has set out to debunk some of these most popular misconceptions.

Myth: Oysters should only be eaten during months with the letter 'R'.
It was once believed that oysters were not safe to eat during the months that didn't contain the letter 'R' in their name (May, June, July, August). We now know that oysters are perfectly safe to eat year-round.

Myth: Oysters are an aphrodisiac.
For many years, oysters were thought to contain aphrodisiac qualities - they were frequently eaten by people hoping to arouse sexual interest in others. Now (unfortunately!) we know that oysters do not, in fact, contain these qualities.

Myth: Eating oysters is harmful to the environment.
Some people may be generally aware that oyster reefs are home to fabulous aquatic marine life and be afraid that consuming oysters threatens these natural ecosystems. In reality, the vast majority of oysters we eat are grown on oyster farms and have no impact on the natural environment.

Myth: Shellfish that die before being cooked are not safe to eat.
Many people once believed that oysters (and other shellfish) were not safe to eat unless they were cooked alive, but there is actually no truth to this statement. As with any seafood or meat, the quality of oysters lessen the longer they are dead, but (unless they are several days old) they are still perfectly safe to eat.

Has all this talk of oysters made you hungry? Stop by and see us to get your seafood fix! Wash it down with your favorite drinks at the Lake of the Ozarks... Our bartenders will have them waiting for you!

We are the Best Waterfront Bar at Lake of the Ozarks! Get yourself in to try our Caribbean and Southern Florida inspired favorites. Watch for updates on our social media for live music at Lake of the Ozarks!!!

Come on by Backwater Jack's Waterfront Bar & Grill! 

An eclectic blend of food, drink & entertainment on the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks.

Restaurant Hours:  7 days a week open at 11am

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