Valentine's Day Trivia
It's Valentine's Day! A day that is full of love, chocolates and beautiful flowers. At Backwater Jack's, we are getting into the spirit of this romantic holiday with a few trivia questions. Let's see how much you know about Valentine's Day. 1. How many roses are produced for Valentine's Day? A. 1 billion B. 196 million C. 330 million D. 500 million 2. How many heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are sold on Valentine's Day? A. 36 million B. 12 million C. 80 million D. 55 million 3. Which of these countries does not celebrate Valentine's Day? A. France B. China C. Phillipines D. India 4. What state produces the most Valentine's Day roses? A. California B. Colorado C. Kansas D. Indiana 5. What year was the first Valentine's Day celebration? A. 1546 B. 200 B.C. C. 496 B.C. D. 1884 6. How many Valentine's Day cards are exchanged each year? (Not including classroom exchanges) A. 54 million B. 114 million C. 2...